Timeless strategies for revolutionary businesses
Most businesses fail within a year.
Only 3% of entrepreneurs succeed.
So, how do you make sure your side hustle is one of the 3%?
You keep your 9-5 and steady paycheck.
You get plan.
You become really good a discerning the gold nuggets of knowledge from the shiny turds.
And you take your time in figuring your shit out.
Because that poor broke pizza guy sleeping on his girlfriend’s couch with $2 to his name turned billionaire overnight got lucky. Or is full of shit.
Either way. It’s not sustainable.
So, what’s a girl with bills, rent, and general responsibilities to do?
Drop the excuses.
mbrace her brilliance.
Build the business and life she dreams of.
Refuse to let monotony hold her back.
In her own damn way.
With the support she fucking deserves.
Learn the juiciest tips, tricks, and strategies I have to help you not only navigate your life but build a business you’re madly in love with but to chart a course for how to make it actually sustainable.
It takes on average 6 months from someone to sign a one-on-one coach.
Blogs and podcasts often don’t monetize to a meaningful level until a year after launch.
This stuff takes time.
That means it is essential to build your business in a way that works for the long-run.
What type of business are you building?
One that’s going to make it all the way, or a quick flash-bang?
If you’re in it to win it, join the rest of us who get that the balancing act is real, and sustainability is key.
About a year ago, trying to do business the "right way".
How I feel about all that noise now.
Having to conform to the 9-5, corporate hustle, or being in any sort of job you're not thrilled with, is so.fucking.soul sucking.
Your side hustle and solopreneur adventure was supposed to free you from the rules and be a breath of fresh air.
But instead, you’ve downloaded all the freebies. With all the rules. And suddenly, you’ve stopped blazing your own trail and unknowingly started conforming to a whole new set of rules.
But you keep going.
Because you know you can do this. And deep down, you know you can do this your way.
It's just, right now, it’s really fucking lonely. And overwhelming. And dare I say, a bit boring.
Unlimited FB messenger & email access to me for real, in-depth feedback about any area of your business and to brainstorm new ideas to make your business fun and how to make things happen your way
A safe space to be real and honest, ask questions, and of course brag on all your amazing accomplishments in our Facebook Group
FREE personality test + 60 minute coaching call with me!
Get your own custom Facet5 report to help you see any business blindspots you may have that are holding you back.
The Facet5 is a scientifically supported personality assessment developed specifically for business and leadership development. It’s your new secret weapon in understanding how you do business your way.
PLUS one 60min deep dive call to review your Facet5 results and how to apply them to take full advantage of your time in the mastermind.
I’m going to answer this question with a story. So gather around.
Last winter, on a dark rainy evening, I was standing in the foyer of the office where I worked, shutting off all the lights. I was leaving right around 7:30, painfully aware I had at least an hour long commute to look forward to. Before I walked out to head home, I found myself mindlessly scrolling on my phone, the pre-requisite last chance/time waster before I commit to doing anything. There was a post that stood out to me, and I felt called to reply. The poster was asking about how people make their business happen, even though they have so much more going on in their lives.
I paused for a moment, wishing I had the answer. I felt like I was hanging on to my goals by the thinnest thread. But, I took the opportunity to pat myself on the back as much as possible and posted the one thing that kept me going—no matter how busy I get, I force myself to spend at least one minute actively doing something for my business.
The one minute rule had been a longstanding tool that carried me through a ton of hurdles. 1 minute sounds like nothing, and takes away the overwhelming feeling of need to do everything. Plus, it often got me in the swing of working on stuff so often that 1 minute turned into 10 minutes which sometimes turned into 30 minutes, and those sometimes shifted to an hour or beyond.
As I posted that tip, I knew I could make it. I knew I had a way to keep going.
Growing my following.
Developing fabulous content.
Creating passive income products.
Suddenly became attainable.
Even in the midst of all the other distractions.
My fulltime job.
Grad school.
Keeping my family functioning.
All the things that often stood in the way of me pursuing my dreams and building the company I knew I was meant to build weren’t things I resented anymore.
It was no longer about deciding what piece of life had to be given up.
Building a side-hustle, while managing everything else can be one of the most challenging things you take on.
But it doesn’t have to be.
I've done it the hard way. And I want to help you not make the same mistakes.
Building my business from the ground up, as a full-time employee, grad-student, and wife was a lot of work, and I learned a ton about developing systems that work, building a mindset that will keep the momentum going, and creating content in sustainable manner, and doing it all while juggling the rest of life.
Registration for my Sugar and Spikes VIP Soiree is now open. This is your chance to learn the juiciest tips, tricks, and strategies I have to help you not only navigate your life but build a business you’re madly in love with but to chart a course for how to make it actually sustainable.