Facet5 Essentials

Facet5 Essentials


The Essential Package is for anyone who may be just starting out and looking for some guidance in how to tackle tasks and better connect with others.

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When you sign up for the Facet5 Essentials, you receive:

  • One initial 30-minute Coffee+Call

  • The full Facet5 Assessment

  • 4-page personality profile the includes:

    • Key takeaways about each of your five personality factors

    • An overview of how the different factors interact with each other

    • Tricks to enhance and foster strengths of your personality

    • Tips on managing areas for development

  • One 30-minute feedback session to chat about the results and actionable next steps to conquer your next challenge

*Note: Please allow 24 hours from purchase to receive scheduling information for your first Coffee+Call and access to the Facet5 test.